Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Are You Sleep Deprived?

Sleeping is one of the most important things that we can do for our bodies.

While sleep deprivation has been associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, mental illness and even death, the more immediate and noticeable effects include fatigue, daytime sleepiness and clumsiness.

The scary thing is that most people who are sleep deprived may not even know it and it's not long before being tired can feel normal.

Here are five facts that you may or may not have known about sleep:
  1. Lack of sleep may contribute to obesity - this is because of the release of two key hormones (ghrelin and leptin) which help to regulate appetite;
  2. The record for the longest period without sleep is 18 days, 21 hours and 40 minutes. This occurred during a rocking chair marathon;
  3. Seventeen hours of sustained wakefulness leads to a decrease in performance equivalent to a blood alcohol-level of 0.05%;
  4. Body temperature and the brain's sleep-wake cycle are closely linked - that's why we can find it more difficult to sleep during hot summer nights;
  5. Ducks are able to balance their need for sleep and survival by keeping one half of their brain awake while the other slips into sleep mode.
So how do you know if you're sleep deprived? Ask yourself these simple questions:
  1. How long does it take for you to fall asleep at night?
  2. Do you feel sleepy during the day?
Research suggests that if you don't feel sleepy during the day, and if it only takes you between 5 - 15 minutes to fall asleep, then you're all good.

If on the other hand, you fall asleep the moment you jump into bed or if you feel drowsy during the day, or if you're finding that you need a couple of cups of coffee before you can function, then these can all be indications that you're sleep deprived.

In our next blog, we'll explore what is the optimal amount of sleep for you.

Until then, do yourself a favour and enjoy your sleep!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Salt of the Earth

When was the last time you had a nice relaxing bath?

Even better, when was the last time you had a nice relaxing bath with Epsom salts in it?

Why, you ask?

Well, apart from being 100% natural, Epsom salts have been known for its many healing, conditioning and cosmetic benefits for centuries.

This is because the main component of Epsom salts contain a mineral which is essential for our cells to function properly.

Because it is easily absorbed through the skin, the goodness of a Epsom salt bath has long been advocated.

Did you know however, apart from adding it to your bath, that Epsom salts can also be used as an effective
  • foot soak;
  • exfoliate;
  • way to remove splinters;
  • cure for constipation;
  • fertilizer for your houseplants, flowers and vegetables;
  • way to make grass greener and
  • household cleaning agent.

So what makes it so versatile?

Basically Epsom salts (otherwise known as magnesium sulfate) contain two important minerals - magnesium and sulfur.

Magnesium is the 8th most abundant element in the Earth's crust and it is also one of the most important elements required by our bodies as it helps to activate over 300 different biochemical reactions.

One very important function of magnesium is that it helps to regulate the function of calcium in cells - this means that your muscles can contract and relax effectively. This is why consuming or having sufficient magnesium can help to protect you against heart disease, heart attacks and high blood pressure.

Current research indicates that between 90 - 95% of people in today's society are deficient in magnesium and this may well be the cause of a large variety of disorders including headaches, depression, anxiety, fatigue, insomnia, pre-menstrual tension, muscle tension and cramps.

Being deficient in magnesium has also been associated with a number of more serious conditions such as asthma, diabetes and osteoporosis.

With regards to plants, while both magnesium and sulfur are naturally occurring substances in soil, they can often be depleted by various environmental conditions. Adding both these minerals through the way of Epsom salts, will help the plant to grow and flourish by assisting with chlorophyll production (helping the plant turn sunlight into food). This is why it can help to make your green grass greener.

So, how can you ensure that you're receiving enough magnesium?

Consuming adequate amounts of certain spices, nuts and leafy green vegetables are one way that you can make sure that you're getting enough magnesium through your diet, however a regular, nice long soak in a bath containing Epsom salts is the most sure fire way of attaining instant relaxation plus gain the benefits of this wonderful element.

So, why not pop in for a massage with us to relax and rejuvenate yourself and then treat yourself to a luxurious Epsom salt bath after and make sure that you make your health your number 1 priority today...

Yours in health until next time!

Please note: taking a magnesium supplement in conjunction with other vitamin supplements is also a great way to boost your health, however it is advised that you consult with your nutritionist, Doctor or GP before commencing or changing your current supplement consumption.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

We ♥ Winter Health Tips.

Winter doesn't mean that it's time to stop looking after your health.

As our last article gave you 5 fantastic ways to keep your skin looking beautiful throughout the colder months, it's important to understand that your skin can often be a direct reflection of your health.

Keeping fit and healthy throughout Winter will not only mean that your skin will glow from the inside, it will also help boost your mental and emotional levels, plus keep those nasty colds and flus away.

Here are our Top 5 "We ♥ Winter Health" Tips.

  1. Drink Lots of Water. Even when it is cold, it’s especially important that you keep yourself well-hydrated. If you choose to drink something hot, instead of coffee or hot chocolate, why not try a luscious herbal tea to help stimulate your immune system (Eg. Echinacea, licorice and ginger all work wonders).
  2. Enjoy the Outdoors. It’s easy to say it’s cold and wet outside and cuddle up inside watching TV, but going for a brisk walk in the winter sun, will ensure that you’re not keeping yourself stuffed up indoors all day and night and that you are able to get some fresh air and oxygen into your lungs.
  3. Exercise = Fun. If the thought of going to the gym isn’t doing it for you anymore – try something different that’s social and fun instead. Grab a friend or your partner and join up to your local salsa / dance club (or whatever takes your fancy) and before you know it, it’ll be summer and you’ll be wowing your friends with your amazing new skills.
    SRM Bonus Secret: By keeping yourself active during Winter, when Spring hits, unlike the other 99% of the population, you won’t be freaking out about how to get your bikini body back in time for Summer.
  4. Eat Well. Winter brings with it a feast of fruits and vegetables so make sure that instead of indulging continually on comfort foods such as creamy pastas and “eat-until-you’re-too-stuffed-to-move” roast dinners, choose to fill up on healthy vegetables which will keep your body nourished with essential vitamins and nutrients. 
  5. Pamper Yourself! Don’t let the winter blues get you down – revitalize your body and soul with a rejuvenating massage, complete with essential oils to help nourish your skin and keep you feeling happy and relaxed.
So, love yourself this Winter by following our Top 10 We ♥ Winter Tips and you will be sure to not only survive the colder months, you’ll come out looking and feeling absolutely marvelous.

Yours in health until next time!

Ps. Don't forget to check out our website for our exclusive We ♥ Winter Specials!

Friday, June 18, 2010

We ♥ Winter Beauty Tips!

Is beauty really just skin deep or is it in the eye of the beholder?

Did you know that your skin, is considered the largest organ in your body? Not only does it play a key role in protecting you against disease and keeping your insides inside, it plays a significant role in insulation, temperature regulation, sensation as well as protecting you against excessive water loss (control of evaporation).

Some interesting facts about skin include:
  • an average adult's skin can span 21 square feet and weighs approximately 9 pound (just over 4kg)
  • your skin is thinnest on your eyelids and thickest on your palms (hands) and soles (feet)
  • your skin is able to renew itself every 28 days
  • your skin sheds a layer of dead cells approximately every 24 hours
  • dead, discarded skin accounts for about a billion tonnes of dust globally in the atmosphere (they say approximately 70% of the dust in your home is due to shed human skin!)
  • skin can release as much as 11L of sweat on a hot day
  • goose bumps are actually little pimples that help to retain a layer of warm air over our body.
So, with the change in weather, most people will need to adjust their beauty regime to help their skin cope with the stresses of artificial heat, cold, wind, longer and hotter showers plus less humidity in the air.

Don't let Winter get you down. Check out our top 5 tips of how to not only keep that rosy glow on your cheeks this Winter, but all over.

Sydney Remedial Massage's 'Top 5 We ♥ Winter Beauty' Tips:
  1. Save Your Skin. Everyone loves a long hot bath or shower in winter, so do yourself a favour and try to either make them shorter or have lukewarm baths or showers instead. 
  2. Exfoliate At Least Twice A Week. This will help to remove any dead, dry, flaky skin - try using a body brush on dry skin before jumping into the shower.
    SRM Secret Tip: Don’t forget to exfoliate your lips too by using a wet, wrung out washcloth. 
  3. Moisturize Religiously. Use a heavier crème immediately after showering or bathing rather than just a lotion as you would in summer. Choose products which contain shea butter or alpha-hydroxy acids (AHAs) which can help to protect and re-hydrate your skin.
  4. Wear Sunscreen. Use a daily facial moisturizer that contains sunscreen. The glare from the winter sun, especially if you’re outdoors having fun can still damage your skin and make you age significantly. Activities such as skiing / snowboarding at higher altitudes means that the ultraviolet light will also be harsher, so make sure you protect yourself. 
  5. Stop Licking Your Lips! Chapped lips can be a common problem in winter and by licking your lips to ‘help’ moisturize them, it’s actually going to make it worse as the moisture evaporates and dries them out even more. Choose a good lip balm that contains beeswax, aloe, vitamin E and/or tea tree or other essential oils. Remember to re-apply frequently throughout the day to keep them looking gorgeous!
There you have it. You can keep your skin looking healthy and luscious with our simple tips, plus, remember to also make sure that you're having regular massages to help stimulate blood flow to energize your whole body. At Sydney Remedial Massage, we also use essential oils to help keep you looking younger and more beautiful than ever.

Stay tuned for our next blog where we will share with you, our 'Top 5 We ♥ Winter Health' Tips or, visit our website for our exclusive We ♥ Winter Specials.

Keep beautiful until next time!

Monday, May 31, 2010

Meditate Not Medicate.

Think back to the last time when you sat with your eyes quietly closed, taking in the rhythm of your breath, feeling your heart, beating gently...

A sense of peace and calm floods through your body.

Your mind is free to settle.

You take in the moment and then the next, just letting your mind and your body drift and drop as you gently inhale, and exhale.

Before you know it, you've just spent the last twenty minutes prolonging your life.

Scientific studies have demonstrated that there are long-term physical and psychological benefits of meditating regularly and that profound changes in the brain can occur as a result.

Regular meditation has been shown to be effective in reducing
 - anxiety and depression
 - chronic pain
 - fatigue
 - headaches and/or migraines
 - high blood pressure
 - insomnia / sleep disturbances as well as
 - overall stress.

Fortunately, learning to meditate is something that is easy to do and doesn't involve countless trips to the Doctor or the pharmacy.

There are, many different types of meditation available - eg. Breath, Empty Mind, Walking, Mindfulness or Mantra meditation. And as long as you find one that you're comfortable with, it doesn't matter which one you choose and by practicing it daily, you will reap the rewards.

With a greater awareness of the essential role the mind plays in contributing to your overall health and well-being, spending time meditating everyday is an effortless and easy, 100% natural, scientifically proven, simple and highly cost-effective way of promoting your longevity.
To help you to on your way to becoming a master meditator, why not check out these "7 Simple Tips To Mastering Meditation."

Yours in health until next time.

Please note: All information in this article should be used as a guide only. Although there is much long-term evidence of meditation being beneficial in treating a variety of disorders, please seek appropriate medical advice and consultation prior to discontinuing any currently prescribed medications.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Discover The Long Lost Ancient Secret to Leading a Less Stressful Life.

When was the last time you took a nice deep breath?
(Hint: now would be a good time!)

To be able to breathe is a wonderful thing, yes?

The beauty of it is, that we don't even have to think about doing it!

Breathing serves many functions, including:
  • supplying our cells with oxygen
  • removing carbon dioxide from our bodies
  • improving lymphatic flow within our bodies, which helps us to fight infections
  • reducing anxiety 
  • assisting in stress or anger management as well as 
  • promoting relaxation. 
Our breathing is regulated by our brain stem - the most primal part of the brain - which is also responsible for other vital life functions, such as heat rate, blood pressure and consciousness.

Unlike these other functions however, we are lucky enough to be able to control our breathing on a conscious level. Unfortunately, most people don't take advantage of this 100% free life booster on a consistent basis.

For many centuries, the people of ancient China and India have used the simple art of breathing to help prevent and heal themselves from illness and disease, attain deep states of relaxation and increase their vitality.

So how does this differ from what we're doing today? Breathing's breathing right?

Well, not really.

In today's society, the majority of people often take many shallow breaths, filling only the top third of their chest and lungs only.

This limits the amount of oxygen-carbon dioxide exchange within the lungs and can lead to a decrease in proper organ function, resulting in reduced vitality as well as impairment of the immune system, which increases our chances of disease.

Shallow breathing also occurs when people are anxious, angry or in a constant hurry. And with the apparent increase in our sedentary lifestyles, our bodies have adapted to not needing to breathe deeply, thus we develop the habit of shallow breathing.

What can we do about it?

By studying the ancient arts of Qigong (China) or Pranayama (India), we can start to incorporate and learn more about the benefits of proper breathing and breath control.

However, for those who would like a short exercise to start you on your way to leading a less stressful life, have a go at this very simple, yet effective technique for deep (abdominal) breathing:
  1. Find a quiet place with plenty of natural air or air flow and sit up straight or lie down comfortably
  2. Slowly inhale through your nose, so that you allow the air to fill your abdomen first, followed by the middle of your chest and then the top of your lungs
  3. As you exhale through your mouth, just let it flow naturally, from the top of your lungs, followed by the middle chest and then make sure that you finish by gently contracting your abdomen
  4. Repeat without straining to breathe for at least 5 minutes. 
For maximum benefit, practise this twice a day, in the morning and in the early evening and preferably not after having a large meal!

If you're not sure if you're doing it correctly, you can place a book on your stomach when lying down and see if it rises as you first breathe in.

Go on, have a go.

Just by mastering this simple ancient secret, you'll be pleasantly surprised and amazed as you start to become more aware of your breath just how much it can impact your mental, physical and emotional responses to life's stresses.

Yours in health until next time.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Addicted to Anxiety: How Commonly Prescribed Anxiety Medication Can Be As Addictive As Heroin.

Did you know that the medications used to treat anxiety and depression can be as addictive as heroin or cannabis?

Anxiety is one of the most common mental health disorders in today's society. For the sufferer, it can often be a crippling condition and can impact immensely on their health, their relationships as well as their overall well-being.

Anxiety is a broad umbrella term and can include but is not limited to:
- Phobias
- Panic attacks
- Obsessive-compulsive disease
- Post-traumatic stress disorder as well as
- Generalized anxiety disorders.

In terms of treatment, sufferers commonly choose to either do nothing about it or resort to pharmaceutical means which in turn, can adversely affect their health and sanity.

Commonly prescribes drugs such as Valium, Xanax and Ativan are able to help exert a calming effect by boosting the action of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), a neurotransmitter in the brain.

Activation of GABA will trigger the release of dopamine - another neurotransmitter, which plays an important role in behaviour and cognition, voluntary movement, sleep, mood, attention, learning and memory. Dopamine is also responsible for regulating the "reward pathways" such as feelings of punishment and sexual gratification.

Studies haves shown that people with higher levels of dopamine in their brain tend to be more prone to addictive behaviours.

It is alarming how in today's society, medication is fast becoming the preferred treatment method for people with anxiety, depression and other mental health related disorders such as Attention Deficit Hyper-activity Disorder.

Something that is also quite disturbing, is how much easier it is to obtain prescribed drugs rather than illicit drugs for the purpose of satisfying addiction.

In lieu of this, as a natural therapist, these are my suggestions for how you can combat anxiety without the need to medicate:

1. Exercise and Diet.
Whatever happened to "the good old days" when Doctors would prescribe exercise and diet?
Exercising three times a week for 30 minutes at a time, with enough effort to raise a sweat will help to increase the level of serotonin and endorphin in the body. These are your body's natural "feel-good" chemicals which prescribed drugs seek to imitate and activate.
It is also important to be eating plenty of raw fruits and vegetables as part of your daily diet rather than rely on processed and manufactured foods.

2. Natural Therapies.
Acupuncture, aromatherapy, massage and meditation are great ways to help calm your mental and nervous system so that you are better able to deal with any anxiety and/or stress.
While acupuncture can help to stimulate the body's natural energy flow (Chi), it is also beneficial in treating anxiety and depression as it can help to restore harmony within the body.
Likewise, meditation is a wonderful way to become more relaxed and grounded, which helps you to deal more effectively with stress.
Massage is a great way to release the physical tension that builds up in your body, and combined with aromatherapy can be most beneficial on a physical, emotional and mental level.

3. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Behavioural Therapy and Hypnotherapy.
Despite the popularity of drugs for anxiety disorder, these conventional methods of treatment are simple and effective ways of teaching someone how they can deal with anxious situations through identifying triggers and teaching the person safe and immediate methods of coping with the situation at hand.

For more information about any of the above mentioned natural therapies and also hypnotherapy, please visit our website:

Yours in health until next time!

Please note: We appreciate that anxiety can be a very serious disorder for some people. All information contained in this article should be used as a guide only - please seek appropriate medical advice and consultation before commencing and/or discontinuing any currently prescribed medications. 

Friday, January 29, 2010

Why Laughter Really Is the Best Medicine!


Right, are you ready for the funniest joke "in the world"?*
Two hunters are out in the woods when one of them collapses. He doesn't seem to be breathing and his eyes are glazed.
The other guy whips out his phone and calls the emergency services. He gasps, "My friend is dead! What can I do?"
The operator says "Calm down. I can help. First, let's make sure he's dead."
There is a silence, then a shot is heard. Back on the phone, the guy says "OK, now what?"

And as you sit there and shake your head and laugh, stop for a moment to think about how you're doing yourself a favour.

According to scientists, humans are the only species capable of laughter and the average person laughs approximately 17 times a day.

It gets better - Can you believe that laughing 100 times is equivalent to a 10 minute workout on a rowing machine!?!

While laughter has also been shown to help
- reduce the level of stress hormones (adrenaline, noradrenaline and cortisol)
- increase the number of circulating feel-good hormones like endorphins
- boost immunity (enhances the effectiveness of T-cells)
- increase vascular blood flow
- and increase oxygenation of the blood,

It also is a good mental and/or emotional release and can also give your body a great internal workout (remember the last time you laughed till your belly hurt?!).

So, grab a few mates together or call up your best friend and share a joke today!

Yours in health until next time!

* World's Funniest Joke. Source: and

Saturday, January 16, 2010

How the Humble Cup of Tea May Save Your Life....

Hi and Welcome to 2010!

Stop! Before you read this article, do me a quick favour and run over to the kitchen and put the kettle on, because....

Today's blog is inspired by something that is just as ancient as the practise of massage and linked to our Relaxation Tip No 2: Have a cup of tea and a chat with a good friend.

Not only will this give you some quality time out with your friend, you're also secretly doing yourself a world of internal good.

Ever since tea was first infused, over 4700 years ago in ancient China, there has been many health benefits attributed to this humble plant, Camellia sinensis.

There are many varieties of tea, however the most popular types are Green and Black tea, followed by Oolong (red) and White tea.

There are also many flavours of Herbal teas available, however they are not strictly "tea" as they are not derived from the same plant. They are instead, an infusion of herbs, flowers, fruits, spices or other parts of other plants.

The colour of your tea will depend on how long it's been processed. Green and White tea are steamed quickly before being packed, and therefore are the least processed and will contain the most amount of anti-oxidants. Black and Oolong tea are partially dried, crushed and fermented prior to packaging, and will have a darker quality to it.

The main benefit of drinking tea is attributed to its content of polyphenols - a chemical which is found in the leaves of the plant, which contains the anti-oxidants.

Numerous scientific studies have claimed that tea is able to help the body
- prevent oxidative stress
- lower cholesterol levels
- boost mental alertness
- increase metabolic rate
- boost its immune system and
- protect against cardiovascular disease.

Tea has also been proven to have anti-cancer properties.

SO, now that the kettle's boiled, why not call a friend over to share a chat and a cuppa while you kick back and relax in the knowledge that like having a massage, it's you taking the time out to look after you.

Yours in health, until next time!