Monday, August 9, 2010

Salt of the Earth

When was the last time you had a nice relaxing bath?

Even better, when was the last time you had a nice relaxing bath with Epsom salts in it?

Why, you ask?

Well, apart from being 100% natural, Epsom salts have been known for its many healing, conditioning and cosmetic benefits for centuries.

This is because the main component of Epsom salts contain a mineral which is essential for our cells to function properly.

Because it is easily absorbed through the skin, the goodness of a Epsom salt bath has long been advocated.

Did you know however, apart from adding it to your bath, that Epsom salts can also be used as an effective
  • foot soak;
  • exfoliate;
  • way to remove splinters;
  • cure for constipation;
  • fertilizer for your houseplants, flowers and vegetables;
  • way to make grass greener and
  • household cleaning agent.

So what makes it so versatile?

Basically Epsom salts (otherwise known as magnesium sulfate) contain two important minerals - magnesium and sulfur.

Magnesium is the 8th most abundant element in the Earth's crust and it is also one of the most important elements required by our bodies as it helps to activate over 300 different biochemical reactions.

One very important function of magnesium is that it helps to regulate the function of calcium in cells - this means that your muscles can contract and relax effectively. This is why consuming or having sufficient magnesium can help to protect you against heart disease, heart attacks and high blood pressure.

Current research indicates that between 90 - 95% of people in today's society are deficient in magnesium and this may well be the cause of a large variety of disorders including headaches, depression, anxiety, fatigue, insomnia, pre-menstrual tension, muscle tension and cramps.

Being deficient in magnesium has also been associated with a number of more serious conditions such as asthma, diabetes and osteoporosis.

With regards to plants, while both magnesium and sulfur are naturally occurring substances in soil, they can often be depleted by various environmental conditions. Adding both these minerals through the way of Epsom salts, will help the plant to grow and flourish by assisting with chlorophyll production (helping the plant turn sunlight into food). This is why it can help to make your green grass greener.

So, how can you ensure that you're receiving enough magnesium?

Consuming adequate amounts of certain spices, nuts and leafy green vegetables are one way that you can make sure that you're getting enough magnesium through your diet, however a regular, nice long soak in a bath containing Epsom salts is the most sure fire way of attaining instant relaxation plus gain the benefits of this wonderful element.

So, why not pop in for a massage with us to relax and rejuvenate yourself and then treat yourself to a luxurious Epsom salt bath after and make sure that you make your health your number 1 priority today...

Yours in health until next time!

Please note: taking a magnesium supplement in conjunction with other vitamin supplements is also a great way to boost your health, however it is advised that you consult with your nutritionist, Doctor or GP before commencing or changing your current supplement consumption.