Friday, June 18, 2010

We ♥ Winter Beauty Tips!

Is beauty really just skin deep or is it in the eye of the beholder?

Did you know that your skin, is considered the largest organ in your body? Not only does it play a key role in protecting you against disease and keeping your insides inside, it plays a significant role in insulation, temperature regulation, sensation as well as protecting you against excessive water loss (control of evaporation).

Some interesting facts about skin include:
  • an average adult's skin can span 21 square feet and weighs approximately 9 pound (just over 4kg)
  • your skin is thinnest on your eyelids and thickest on your palms (hands) and soles (feet)
  • your skin is able to renew itself every 28 days
  • your skin sheds a layer of dead cells approximately every 24 hours
  • dead, discarded skin accounts for about a billion tonnes of dust globally in the atmosphere (they say approximately 70% of the dust in your home is due to shed human skin!)
  • skin can release as much as 11L of sweat on a hot day
  • goose bumps are actually little pimples that help to retain a layer of warm air over our body.
So, with the change in weather, most people will need to adjust their beauty regime to help their skin cope with the stresses of artificial heat, cold, wind, longer and hotter showers plus less humidity in the air.

Don't let Winter get you down. Check out our top 5 tips of how to not only keep that rosy glow on your cheeks this Winter, but all over.

Sydney Remedial Massage's 'Top 5 We ♥ Winter Beauty' Tips:
  1. Save Your Skin. Everyone loves a long hot bath or shower in winter, so do yourself a favour and try to either make them shorter or have lukewarm baths or showers instead. 
  2. Exfoliate At Least Twice A Week. This will help to remove any dead, dry, flaky skin - try using a body brush on dry skin before jumping into the shower.
    SRM Secret Tip: Don’t forget to exfoliate your lips too by using a wet, wrung out washcloth. 
  3. Moisturize Religiously. Use a heavier crème immediately after showering or bathing rather than just a lotion as you would in summer. Choose products which contain shea butter or alpha-hydroxy acids (AHAs) which can help to protect and re-hydrate your skin.
  4. Wear Sunscreen. Use a daily facial moisturizer that contains sunscreen. The glare from the winter sun, especially if you’re outdoors having fun can still damage your skin and make you age significantly. Activities such as skiing / snowboarding at higher altitudes means that the ultraviolet light will also be harsher, so make sure you protect yourself. 
  5. Stop Licking Your Lips! Chapped lips can be a common problem in winter and by licking your lips to ‘help’ moisturize them, it’s actually going to make it worse as the moisture evaporates and dries them out even more. Choose a good lip balm that contains beeswax, aloe, vitamin E and/or tea tree or other essential oils. Remember to re-apply frequently throughout the day to keep them looking gorgeous!
There you have it. You can keep your skin looking healthy and luscious with our simple tips, plus, remember to also make sure that you're having regular massages to help stimulate blood flow to energize your whole body. At Sydney Remedial Massage, we also use essential oils to help keep you looking younger and more beautiful than ever.

Stay tuned for our next blog where we will share with you, our 'Top 5 We ♥ Winter Health' Tips or, visit our website for our exclusive We ♥ Winter Specials.

Keep beautiful until next time!