Monday, June 13, 2011

Give Winter A Workout! (Part 1)

Winter. Traditionally a time when people start to hibernate, right?! Wrong! It's actually the perfect time to juice up your exercise routine. We have a guest with us for Part 1 of our "Give Winter A Workout!" blogs....

Please make very welcome the fabulous: Lisa Brown.
Lisa is the Director of Innervate Health and Fitness. She is a personal trainer, mentor and Cosmopolitan Magazine Trainer.

So Lisa - Now, I'm not suggesting that we need to be as extreme as the guys in the picture, but do you think I should change my exercise routine in Winter?

"You should only change your routine if it's not working for you, if you are not getting the results of if you are bored. Try not to let the change in seasons affect you. Do not hibernate!

Because of shorter daylight hours and cold temperatures, people do tend to change their habits, lifestyle and diet and can comfort eat and gorge themselves on 'heavy winter warmer foods'. The couch can look more attractive than heading out for a run or power walk in the cold and dark."

What are some of your Top Tips for us, Lisa?

"Try something different - aqua aerobics, indoor climbing, an indoor group exercise class, a game of squash with a friend or a team sport. Many sports run through the winter.

Arrange to train with a friend or a group of friends  - the accountability will force you to exercise; you will be able to motivate each other.

Book some sessions with a personal trainer or join an outdoor fitness group  - if you have paid for a session and  a trainer is waiting for you, you are more inclined to exercise.

Train at a time that you know you will do it - and stick to that time! I know myself very well and I know that if I do not exercise in the mornings, it will not happen.

Treat yourself to a new winter workout kit - go buy yourself some brand spanking new gear that makes you look and feel like a fitness model. This might the inspiration you need to get out and about. You need to make sure that you insulate yourself during the cooler months if you are going to walk or run outdoors. My advice would be three thin layers so you can take them off as you get warmed up and tie around your waist. Remember to also have a waterproof as well."

So, that's it for Part 1 of our "Give Winter A Workout" blog.... stay tuned for Part 2!

Big thanks to Lisa for your Top Tips... and as a bonus special, Lisa has kindly offered 2 weeks of FREE group training in Coogee, the CBD or Glebe with some of her top trainers.
Please visit Innervate Health and Fitness for more information on sessions and EMAIL ME with your name, and address so that you can be sent your SRM "Give Winter A Workout" gift, valued at $80.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

SRM's Wonderful Winter Health Tips!

I love Winter in Sydney.... the sky is blue, the air is crisp and when you're out and about in the sunshine looking out over Sydney Harbour or the beach, the world doesn't seem so bad now, does it?!

Beats trudging about in the snow, with a multitude of layers, coats, beanies, gloves and scarves.... but, beware: just because the weather seems deceptively pleasant, there are definitely 12 things that you need to know to keep your health at optimum this Winter.

We will be bringing to you, our Top 12 Winter Health Tips - one each week, over the next twelve weeks.

Just visit our Facebook page: 
and "LIKE" us today to keep up to date with our tips and tricks and other random snippets of relaxation and happiness. :)

Yours in Winter health until next time!

Ps. For some fun and exciting Wintery things to do.... why not check out Sydney's Winter Festival....