Sunday, July 3, 2011

Give Winter A Workout! (Part 2)

Right! Welcome to Part 2 of "Give Winter A Workout!"

How would you rate your exercise routine over the past month? Be honest now!

So, if you've given in to the couch and comfort foods and feel a bit like our rather rotund, frosty friend above, here is the very fabulous Lisa Brown of Innervate Health and Fitness back to give you some new ideas on how to really get the most out of your exercise routine this Winter....

"Join A Running Club - With the City to Surf in August, this is a great way to have fun, meet new people and keep yourself accountable. If you will not run or walk out doors head inside and onto the treadmill or cross trainer. Make sure that you have the treadmill set to a gradient of at least 1.0 so that it can mimic the roads outdoors. You should always run on a slight gradient on the treadmill …… the ground outdoors does not move backwards to help you run does it?

Do Some Aqua Running - You can buy a floated belt and run in the water or simply run in the shallow end of the pool. This is also good if you are coming back from injury or for pregnant women. The added resistance of the water will help you achieve your health and fitness goals without the impact on your joints and in a warmer environment.

Interval Train - This is the best way to maximise a 30 minute session. Warm up for 5 minutes and then take your heart rate to about 80% then slow down and bring it back to 60% and repeat for 20 mins with a stretch at the end before you hit the showers.

Train More Than One Muscle Group At A Time - Do multi-joint exercises to get your body moving! Eg. Squat, shoulder press with dumbbells; Lunge, twist with a medicine ball; Dead lift, bicep curl with dumbbells; Press-ups (try not to do on your knees, if you are unable to perform a press up on the floor on your feet, try it on an angle with your feet on the floor and your hands on a bar so that your body is on an angle…. When you get stronger you can reduce the angle); Rope Cable row in a squat position; Sit-ups on a Bosu Ball.No rest in-between sets and aim for 12 to 15 reps each set. Try to 3 do circuits in your 30 minutes.

Increase Your Incidental Exercise - Take the stairs instead of the lift, buy a new winter coat and scarf and have an umbrella with you so that you know you can choose to walk if you really want to.

And Finally.... Lisa Brown's 1000 Rep Workout 
- this is perfect for the person who is motivated to get up but not go outside when it's cold and dark! Give yourself 30 minutes, turn up the iPod and try this simple routine:
1.    Push ups
2.    Sit ups
3.    Squats
4.    Skipping or running on the spot – 1 minute
5.    Step ups on bench or chair
6.    Tricep dips on bench or chair
7.    Star jumps
8.    Lunges
9.    Skipping or running on spot – 1 minute
10.  10 second hold in a press up position

Do 10 repetitions for each exercise and repeat 10 times. If this is too much for you either reduce the repetitions and or amount of times you repeat the sequence. Try and build up to the 1000 rep workout!"

That's it for now... remember, it's always easier to get your body ready for Summer in Winter rather than when Spring's come and gone.

Thanks again to Lisa Brown for your wonderful tips.

Keep fit until next time!