Monday, May 31, 2010

Meditate Not Medicate.

Think back to the last time when you sat with your eyes quietly closed, taking in the rhythm of your breath, feeling your heart, beating gently...

A sense of peace and calm floods through your body.

Your mind is free to settle.

You take in the moment and then the next, just letting your mind and your body drift and drop as you gently inhale, and exhale.

Before you know it, you've just spent the last twenty minutes prolonging your life.

Scientific studies have demonstrated that there are long-term physical and psychological benefits of meditating regularly and that profound changes in the brain can occur as a result.

Regular meditation has been shown to be effective in reducing
 - anxiety and depression
 - chronic pain
 - fatigue
 - headaches and/or migraines
 - high blood pressure
 - insomnia / sleep disturbances as well as
 - overall stress.

Fortunately, learning to meditate is something that is easy to do and doesn't involve countless trips to the Doctor or the pharmacy.

There are, many different types of meditation available - eg. Breath, Empty Mind, Walking, Mindfulness or Mantra meditation. And as long as you find one that you're comfortable with, it doesn't matter which one you choose and by practicing it daily, you will reap the rewards.

With a greater awareness of the essential role the mind plays in contributing to your overall health and well-being, spending time meditating everyday is an effortless and easy, 100% natural, scientifically proven, simple and highly cost-effective way of promoting your longevity.
To help you to on your way to becoming a master meditator, why not check out these "7 Simple Tips To Mastering Meditation."

Yours in health until next time.

Please note: All information in this article should be used as a guide only. Although there is much long-term evidence of meditation being beneficial in treating a variety of disorders, please seek appropriate medical advice and consultation prior to discontinuing any currently prescribed medications.