Sunday, July 3, 2011

Give Winter A Workout! (Part 2)

Right! Welcome to Part 2 of "Give Winter A Workout!"

How would you rate your exercise routine over the past month? Be honest now!

So, if you've given in to the couch and comfort foods and feel a bit like our rather rotund, frosty friend above, here is the very fabulous Lisa Brown of Innervate Health and Fitness back to give you some new ideas on how to really get the most out of your exercise routine this Winter....

"Join A Running Club - With the City to Surf in August, this is a great way to have fun, meet new people and keep yourself accountable. If you will not run or walk out doors head inside and onto the treadmill or cross trainer. Make sure that you have the treadmill set to a gradient of at least 1.0 so that it can mimic the roads outdoors. You should always run on a slight gradient on the treadmill …… the ground outdoors does not move backwards to help you run does it?

Do Some Aqua Running - You can buy a floated belt and run in the water or simply run in the shallow end of the pool. This is also good if you are coming back from injury or for pregnant women. The added resistance of the water will help you achieve your health and fitness goals without the impact on your joints and in a warmer environment.

Interval Train - This is the best way to maximise a 30 minute session. Warm up for 5 minutes and then take your heart rate to about 80% then slow down and bring it back to 60% and repeat for 20 mins with a stretch at the end before you hit the showers.

Train More Than One Muscle Group At A Time - Do multi-joint exercises to get your body moving! Eg. Squat, shoulder press with dumbbells; Lunge, twist with a medicine ball; Dead lift, bicep curl with dumbbells; Press-ups (try not to do on your knees, if you are unable to perform a press up on the floor on your feet, try it on an angle with your feet on the floor and your hands on a bar so that your body is on an angle…. When you get stronger you can reduce the angle); Rope Cable row in a squat position; Sit-ups on a Bosu Ball.No rest in-between sets and aim for 12 to 15 reps each set. Try to 3 do circuits in your 30 minutes.

Increase Your Incidental Exercise - Take the stairs instead of the lift, buy a new winter coat and scarf and have an umbrella with you so that you know you can choose to walk if you really want to.

And Finally.... Lisa Brown's 1000 Rep Workout 
- this is perfect for the person who is motivated to get up but not go outside when it's cold and dark! Give yourself 30 minutes, turn up the iPod and try this simple routine:
1.    Push ups
2.    Sit ups
3.    Squats
4.    Skipping or running on the spot – 1 minute
5.    Step ups on bench or chair
6.    Tricep dips on bench or chair
7.    Star jumps
8.    Lunges
9.    Skipping or running on spot – 1 minute
10.  10 second hold in a press up position

Do 10 repetitions for each exercise and repeat 10 times. If this is too much for you either reduce the repetitions and or amount of times you repeat the sequence. Try and build up to the 1000 rep workout!"

That's it for now... remember, it's always easier to get your body ready for Summer in Winter rather than when Spring's come and gone.

Thanks again to Lisa Brown for your wonderful tips.

Keep fit until next time!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Give Winter A Workout! (Part 1)

Winter. Traditionally a time when people start to hibernate, right?! Wrong! It's actually the perfect time to juice up your exercise routine. We have a guest with us for Part 1 of our "Give Winter A Workout!" blogs....

Please make very welcome the fabulous: Lisa Brown.
Lisa is the Director of Innervate Health and Fitness. She is a personal trainer, mentor and Cosmopolitan Magazine Trainer.

So Lisa - Now, I'm not suggesting that we need to be as extreme as the guys in the picture, but do you think I should change my exercise routine in Winter?

"You should only change your routine if it's not working for you, if you are not getting the results of if you are bored. Try not to let the change in seasons affect you. Do not hibernate!

Because of shorter daylight hours and cold temperatures, people do tend to change their habits, lifestyle and diet and can comfort eat and gorge themselves on 'heavy winter warmer foods'. The couch can look more attractive than heading out for a run or power walk in the cold and dark."

What are some of your Top Tips for us, Lisa?

"Try something different - aqua aerobics, indoor climbing, an indoor group exercise class, a game of squash with a friend or a team sport. Many sports run through the winter.

Arrange to train with a friend or a group of friends  - the accountability will force you to exercise; you will be able to motivate each other.

Book some sessions with a personal trainer or join an outdoor fitness group  - if you have paid for a session and  a trainer is waiting for you, you are more inclined to exercise.

Train at a time that you know you will do it - and stick to that time! I know myself very well and I know that if I do not exercise in the mornings, it will not happen.

Treat yourself to a new winter workout kit - go buy yourself some brand spanking new gear that makes you look and feel like a fitness model. This might the inspiration you need to get out and about. You need to make sure that you insulate yourself during the cooler months if you are going to walk or run outdoors. My advice would be three thin layers so you can take them off as you get warmed up and tie around your waist. Remember to also have a waterproof as well."

So, that's it for Part 1 of our "Give Winter A Workout" blog.... stay tuned for Part 2!

Big thanks to Lisa for your Top Tips... and as a bonus special, Lisa has kindly offered 2 weeks of FREE group training in Coogee, the CBD or Glebe with some of her top trainers.
Please visit Innervate Health and Fitness for more information on sessions and EMAIL ME with your name, and address so that you can be sent your SRM "Give Winter A Workout" gift, valued at $80.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

SRM's Wonderful Winter Health Tips!

I love Winter in Sydney.... the sky is blue, the air is crisp and when you're out and about in the sunshine looking out over Sydney Harbour or the beach, the world doesn't seem so bad now, does it?!

Beats trudging about in the snow, with a multitude of layers, coats, beanies, gloves and scarves.... but, beware: just because the weather seems deceptively pleasant, there are definitely 12 things that you need to know to keep your health at optimum this Winter.

We will be bringing to you, our Top 12 Winter Health Tips - one each week, over the next twelve weeks.

Just visit our Facebook page: 
and "LIKE" us today to keep up to date with our tips and tricks and other random snippets of relaxation and happiness. :)

Yours in Winter health until next time!

Ps. For some fun and exciting Wintery things to do.... why not check out Sydney's Winter Festival....

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Do You Have Odontophobia?

As a little girl, I was made to have weekly trips to see the dentist.

I didn't have anything wrong with me per se, but it soon became a regular occurrence and before you knew it, I'd have another blood-soaked piece of cotton to clamp on, a tooth to place beneath my pillow, and of course, the most fun part.... waking up to find that shiny gold coin in place of my tooth!

I was told that they were taking my teeth out so that there would be enough room for all my teeth to grow.... a concept that was a little counter-intuitive to my eight year old brain, but I went along with it - because I really had no choice and didn't know any better.

But fast-forwarding to the future... being that I'd been to the dentist so regularly when I was younger, I assumed that I'd be fine to see them again....

Ummm... NO!!

Like many people out there, apparently I'd developed a kind of fear of seeing the good Doctor.

Unlike many other phobias however, which have been caused by some sort of previous traumatic event, I am not alone in being hesitant to see the dentist. There is an estimated 3 out of 4 people who share the same fear, but it's more likely to be because we just don't like the experience.

Approximately only 5 - 10% of the population are considered to have a true phobia of visiting the dentist - these people will avoid seeing a dentist at all costs, until they have a dental emergency because they are so fearful of the treatment. It's a bit of a vicious cycle in that their behaviour re-enforces their belief.

Are you one of these people? Ask yourself - when was your last dental appointment? Do you perhaps get a little anxious like most other people or do you absolutely dread and avoid seeing the dentist altogether?

Having finally dragged myself to the dentist recently, I realised that I don't actually hate seeing them - I just don't like the tools and instruments that they use!

To be fair though, I know that I definitely won't be as excited to be placing my teeth under my pillow anytime soon....

Given how amazing technology is in this day and age, and that we are able to have so many artificial replacements for our respective body parts - I know one thing for certain - and that is, that I would definitely like to have all my teeth when I'm eighty.

How about you...?

So, regardless of how you may feel about them - if you too, value your teeth - then, in the words of my dentist... remember to "brush twice a day and to floss, floss, floss!"

"Every tooth in a man's head is more valuable than a diamond." - Miguel de Cervantes, Don Quixote, 1605

Yours in dental health until next time!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

We All Have One.... And If You Have Two or More... Make Sure You Look After Them!

I don't know about you, but for the majority of people I know, there is only one.... and we definitely wouldn't be here without them.

They are the silent pillars of strength and comfort. The nurturers and supporters. Peacemakers, teachers and mentors. Sounding boards, agony aunts, best friends and giver of the best hugs and totally unconditional love.

For me, I'm sure that she was thinking about me even before I was a twinkle in my Father's eye and I know that she will always be there for me.

From changing my dirty diapers, to nursing me back to health when I fell ill (read: putting up with me being a bear with a sore paw).... taxi-ing me around town and teaching me how to blossom, she will always cook all my favourite dishes and love and support me in all that I choose to do (even if it breaks her heart and causes her extreme moments of stress - sorry Mum! You know I love you!!)

Admittedly, I have been very fortunate to also have a second Mum - someone who considers me as their "Daughter No 2". and I'd like to take this opportunity to thank both of them - for their everloving, support and guidance.

In Australia, this year, Sunday 8th May, is Mother's Day and Sydney Remedial Massage would like to help you celebrate and thank your Mum for all that they have done and will continue to do for you.

With a little help from my friends at Red Petal Floral Design, Welsch Photography, InterVino - Fine Gifts of Wine and Wendy the Candle Lady, we have a gift worth over $600* for one special Mum in the Sydney Area.

In 25 words or less, email us at, why your YOUR MUM IS THE BEST.... and go in the draw for:

•     A family or portrait sitting and a complimentary 12” x 8” photo enlargement (worth $190)
•    Fabulous bouquet of Mother’s Day flowers and decadent liqueur chocolates (worth $160)
•    A 60 minute massage and comfy Mum slippers (valued at $109.90)
•    A collection of beautiful scented PartyLite products (worth $105.90) plus
•    A bottle of Australia’s Finest Sparkling (valued at $75).

Delivery will be made on Mother’s Day (Sunday May 8th, 2011) courtesy of Red Petal Floral Design.

**Please note that this competition is now closed**

Happy Mother's Day to all our precious and wonderful Mum's out there!

Love you Mum(s)!!! xx

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Sweet Dreams Are Made of This...

Righto! After a short seista, I'm back.... My apologies that it's been so long in between blogs....

If you have been following, I know that I promised that I'd touch on what is the optimal amount of sleep one needs... so here it is:

The short answer is, while not everybody requires the same amount of sleep, it's suggested that we aim for at least 8 hours of sleep per night.

8 hours!!! I can hear you thinking "Wow! That's a bit of a luxury!"

In today's busy society, many people have even more demands from work, family and friends and we are also bombarded with so many forms of available entertainment, that it's not surprising that many people function on less than 6 hours of sleep per night.

Did you know though, that the difference between the actual amount of sleep one needs vs that which one gets during a night can accumulate into what's called a "sleep debt".

As time goes on, the bigger the debt, the more we need to catch up on it.

Needing a good old sleep-in on the weekend can be a sign that you're slowly paying off your week's debt, but if you don't pay it all off, beware: the debt can grow like a snowball and your body will start to suffer.

So how do I know if I have a sleep debt?

Try this simple experiment: for a week or two, go to bed at the same time every night and allow yourself to sleep as long as you need to, without an alarm clock to wake you up the next day.

Eventually, you might find that you're waking up at the same time everyday and this is the approximate amount of time that your body needs to sleep.

Hint: Why not keep a sleep diary on the time that you went to bed and when you wake up, the total hours of sleep and how you felt each day following. This will help to give you a good idea of what your body needs.

Once you discover your natural sleep needs, make sure that you make sleeping a priority and go to bed early enough so that you can get the right amount of sleep you require to make each and everyday the best day of your life.

TRY THIS: as you already know, lack of sleep can affect one's judgement, co-ordination and performance. The 'Sheep Dash' is a fun and interactive test from the BBC which will test just how quick your reaction time is!

Sweet dreams until next time!